For a complete exhibition experience, we have arranged the galleries so that you can view them yourself from your computer or smartphone at any time,
from any part of the world if you have internet access.
Exhibition tickets are free. You can watch every exhibition in each of our galleries for free.
Once you enter the gallery you can navigate to the images by pressing the arrows .
If you want to view images via computer, there are also basic commands for navigating using the keyboard.
The basic commands to move are the arrows on the keyboard.
You will move forward towards the image by pressing the arrow.
You will move forward towards the image by pressing the arrow .
You can move away from the image by pressing the arrow .
You can turn left towards other images by pressing the arrow .
You can turn to the right by pressing the arrow.
Use the arrow to move to the left
Use the arrow to move to the right
To stand directly in front of an image, click on the circle in front of the image .
By clicking on the circle, opportunities for more information about each image appear.
To be at the height of the image, you can select the viewing height with the arrows
to look up and to look down .
You can go to another room through the door and move through it again by pressing the arrows to move .
If you want to move instantly from image to image in the gallery
use the buttons for the image before and for the next image in the gallery .
Clicking on these buttons also brings up a link for more information about individual images.
Full screen display is selected by clicking the button ,
to exit the "Full Screen View" press .
You can activate the image info by clicking on or turn off the information by clicking on .
The link for more information appears by clicking on the circle in front of the image or scrolling with the Prev and Next buttons Prev i Next.
You can view info about the author by clicking on .
Video - How to watch